Titan Leaf Cap
The ultimate in versatility, the Titan Leaf Cap combines all of the unique features of the Titan Leaf Box and Titan Chipper Cap into a single unit. Custom fit to your existing dump body, use the Titan Leaf Cap as a leaf collection body, or remove the door and install the dump body tailgate to use as a chip collector. The Titan Leaf Cap is constructed of 10-gauge carbon steel, with 1/2" expanded metal roof vents for leaf collection. The unit is custom fit for each application, utilizing the dump body’s side board pockets for positioning and mounting.
Titan Leaf Cap Features:
- Sloped sides and front provide styled look.
- Custom fit to your dump body - rubber flap supplied helps gap (air tight not guaranteed).
- Bolts in place using board pockets.
- Rubber nozzle seal.
- Tube frame around rear opening.
- Top lifting eye.
- 10 gauge sides, front, and door.
- 1/2" expanded metal vents.